Friday, July 17, 2009


I've been a mom for two years now. Where has the time gone? Yesterday Luke was a blob who cried, pooped, and drank bottles all day like a parasite. Can you tell I really enjoyed those fun times? Jokes aside, I do miss some moments from that first year. He is now this rambling two year old who enjoys doing things for himself (even if he can't, he thinks he can. ie- pouring his drink by himself). He loves me and reminds me daily that he is "mama's boy". He throws fun tantrams too! Example today: Throwing crayons one by one, I say "don't throw those". While looking at me with a pouty face, he slowly pushes the whole box off of the table. Yay! He's two! However, I wouldn't trade him for the world.

I, myself, am in to reading lately. I'm reading all of Jennifer Weiner's books. If anyone has any recommendations, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Read Jodi Picoult shes good. 19 minutes and My sisters keeper
