Friday, September 25, 2009


well... the time has come until the inevitable question has began.

me: "you can't have pizza, you're allergic"
luke: "why?"
me: "God made you that way"
luke: "why?"

...and so on. sometimes he says "but why?" or "why am i aWergic?"

'why' is such a tough question to answer sometimes. how do you explain to a two year old why they can't have pizza, ice cream, chocolate, etc? i'm learning to keep it basic.

on another cute, luke note. he heard "pa pa pa pa poker face" on the tv today. his version is "pa pa pa pa pace". he's so intelligent, he made up his own version. "ba ba ba ba biolet" (biolet= violet, cousin violet.)

the joys of momhood. wouldn't trade it for the world.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


my kiddo definitely has his fair share of allergies. in fact, his whole first year he threw up everything that went down. now he is much better but because of all of the said vomiting, he is allergic to all dairy (ie- the good things in life -- cheese, milk, ICE CREAM). i guess it is a good thing he doesn't know what he is missing out on. to clarify, when i say he is allergic to these things, he is allergic. not intolerant. it isn't like he gets a stomach ache and he can deal with it- the second it hits his mouth, he vomits. sometimes, he loses his voice.

now since we have the back story out of the way, tonight as i put him into bed- he sat up and started to hiccup. he is a pro at throwing up so he told me "i throw up". what do you know? two seconds later, throw up all over my nice, clean sheets. all over his nice, clean body. all over his nice, clean pj's. all over my nice, clean pj's.

oh well. i guess it was meant to change those nice, clean sheets for more nice, clean sheets.

night all.

(ps- i would post of picture of the event.. but i'll spare you all.)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

this is what happens when i have five minutes of computer time. i return to a two year old, face covered in oreos, drenched in water from the sink, and the entire roll of paper towels unwound into the floor. YIPPEE!! i must be crazy to think i can start a "real" blog with typepad.
this would be longer but said two year old is now walking around me with, what smells like a diarrhea diaper. whew.
i do love being a mom.